Dr. Norbert A. Wetzel, Princeton, New Jersey USA

A Tale of Two Epistemologies Part 2

As may be evident from the reflections in part 1, we think, live, and practice in two worldviews or epistemologies, the “scientific” “objective Realism” paradigm and the relational perspectival paradigm. We are more familiar with the former, underlying our not always consciously reflected, “naïve” worldview and prevalent in scientific discourse, medical achievements, and technological advances. In…

A Tale of Two Epistemologies Part 1

Psychiatric treatments and most forms of psychotherapy (except family systems therapy) have in common that they are focused on the individual. Even very committed opponents of the DSM or any use of psychotropic medication in psychotherapy remain focused on the individual as the unit of attention and treatment. From that point of view, the opposition against the new DSM 5, against the medicalization…